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Pastor Darrell Howell (Pastor D)

Pastor Darrell Howell, known as Pastor D, is an anointed, appointed, dynamic deliverer of the word of God. Pastor is a native of Detroit, Michigan and is one of five siblings born to Napoleon and Verna Howell

Pastor D has served in ministry in various capacities and has had a passion for teaching people how to apply the Word of God in their everyday lives. Pastor D had a love for the church since he was a little boy; playing the drums, directing the choir, driving the van, housekeeping, parking lot attendant, kitchen ministry and armor bearer. His greatest love is for those who live a life of incarceration - in helping men to realize that they must first be free in their mind. He has been a part of Made-Free Ministries for over 14 years.

Pastor D has a tremendous zeal for God’s word. He has a contagious spirit of generosity that flows through every aspect of his ministry. Having received a mandate from God in 1999, All For Christ Ministries (AFCM) was birth in Pastor D's spirit. Called to serve Apostle Michael Goings, Pastor D left Detroit and relocated to Dillon, SC knowing that his ministry would be cultivated under Apostle Goings tutelage. After 10 years of faithfully serving Apostle Goings, Pastor D knew that it was time to do what God called him to do.

In October 2010 All For Christ Ministries had it’s first Tuesday bible study. In January 2011 Sunday services began and April of that same year Pastor D was ordained pastor and founder of AFCM. Pastor D, as a bold revolutionary, spiritual leader, life coach, motivational speaker and trendsetter, masterfully captures his audience with practical teaching and life application for everyday living.

Pastor D's favorite scripture, Romans 8:18 proclaims "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us" encompasses his flow of his spirit.

Pastor D is happily married of 24 years to Co-Pastor Stephanie Howell who closely serves along side him. Pastor D has five sons, two daughters and six grandchildren. Pastor D and Lady Howell, are an anointed duo that God is using to make changes in the lives of His people. “All We Do We Do For Christ”

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